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Privacy policy

Moscow January 09, 2017

This Privacy Policy of personal data (hereinafter, the Privacy Policy) applies to all information which ProfPerevod company located on domain name can receive about a User while his/her using of the Company website and/or services and processing of which is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law No. 152-FZ «On personal data».

1.1. The following terms are used in this Privacy Policy:
1.1.1. «The Website Administration (hereinafter, the Website Administration)» means authorized personnel in charge of the website management acting on behalf of ProfPerevod company who arrange and/or carry out processing of personal data and also determine the objectives of personal data processing, scope of personal data to be processed, actions (operation) made with personal data.
1.1.2. «Personal data» — any information related to an individual who can be identified, directly or indirectly (personal data subject).
1.1.3. «Personal data processing» means any action (operation) or combination of actions (operations) with personal data done with the use of various automation means or without the use of such means, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, improvement (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
1.1.4. «Confidentiality of personal data» means a mandatory requirement for the Operator or other person granted access to personal data to prevent the dissemination of personal data without the consent of the personal data subject or other lawful ground.
1.1.5. «User of the website (hereinafter, the User)» means a person having access to the site via Internet and using the Company’s website.
1.1.6. «Cookies» — a small piece of data sent via the Web server and stored on the user’s computer which a web client or a web browser each time passes to the Web server in HTTP request when trying to open a page of the relevant website.
1.1.7. «IP address» means a unique network address of the host in computer network under IP protocol.

2.1. The Use of the Company’s website means consent with this Privacy Policy and terms and conditions of the User’s personal data processing.
2.2. Upon disagreement with the Privacy Policy terms the User shall not use the ProfPerevod company’s website.
2.3. This Privacy Policy applies only to the ProfPerevod company’s website. The Company does not control and is not responsible for websites of third parties to which the User might be able to go via the link from the Company’s website.
2.4. The Website Administration does not verify the reliability of the personal data given by the User of the website.

3.1. This Privacy Policy sets out the Website Administration’s obligations to nondisclosure and to ensure privacy protection of the personal data which the User provides when ordering the Company’s Services at the request of the Website Administration.
3.2. Personal data allowed to be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy is provided by the User by filling-out a registration form at the ProfPerevod company’s website in sections «Feedback Form», «Remote payment» and «Order Call from the website» and include the following information:
3.2.1. full name of the User;
3.2.2. contact telephone number of the User;
3.2.3. e-mail;
3.2.4. passport details of the User;
3.2.5. place of residence of the User.
3.3. ProfPerevod company protects Data automatically transferred upon viewing advertising units and visiting pages with an installed statistical script of the system («pixel»):
• IP address;
• information provided by cookies;
• browser information (or information about other program accessing displayed advertising);
• access time;
• the address of the page where an advertising unit is located;
• referrer (previous page address).
3.3.1. ProfPerevod company gathers data about IP-addresses of the website’s visitors. The information is used to identify and resolute technical problems, to control the legality of financial payments.
3.4. Any other information not mentioned above (order history, used browsers and operating systems, etc.) is to be reliably stored and not disclosed except for cases provided for by cl. 5.2 and 5.3 of the Privacy Policy.

4.1. The Website Administration is entitled to use Personal data for the following purposes:
4.1.1. User identification to remotely order and/or conclude a Contract of services with ProfPerevod company.
4.1.2. Granting User’s access to personalized resources of the Website web-shop.
4.1.3. Feedback from the User including sending notices, requests concerning use of the Company’s website, services providing, processing of requests and applications from the User.
4.1.4. Determining the location of the user to provide safety and prevent fraud.
4.1.5. Ensurance of accuracy and completeness of the personal data provided by the User.
4.1.6. Notification of the Website’s User about the order’s status.
4.1.7. Processing and receiving payments.
4.1.8. Providing the User an efficient customer and technical support in case of problems concerning the Company’s website.
4.1.9. Providing the User upon his/her consent update of services, special offers, prices information, newsletter and other information on behalf of ProfPerevod company.
4.1.10. Implementation of advertising activity upon the User’s consent.

5.1. The User’s personal data is processed without limit of time in any legal way, including in information systems of personal data with the use of various automation means or without the use of such means.
5.2. The User agrees that the Website Administration is entitled to transfer personal data to third parties, in particular to courier services, postal organizations, telecommunications operators, only to perform an order of the User placed at the ProfPerevod company’s website, including the order delivery.
5.3. The User’s Personal Data may be transferred to the authorized government bodies of the Russian Federation only on the basis of and in accordance with the established law of the Russian Federation.
5.4. In the vent of loss or disclosure of personal data the Website Administration notifies the User about the loss or disclosure of the personal data.
5.5. The Website Administration undertakes organizational and technical measures necessary for the User’s personal data protection against illegal or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, spreading, as well as other illegal actions by third parties.
5.6. Together with the user the Website Administration undertakes all the necessary measures to prevent losses or other negative consequences caused by loss or disclosure of the User’s personal data.

6.1. The User shall:
6.1.1. provide personal data necessary for the Company’s website use.
6.1.2. update, supplement the provided personal data in the event of change of such information.
6.2. The Website Administration shall:
6.2.1. use the provided information only for purposes mentioned in cl. 4 of this Privacy Policy.
6.2.2. maintain the confidentiality of information, do not disclose it without the User’s prior written consent and not sell, exchange, publish or disclose by other possible ways the provided personal data of the User except for cased mentioned in cl. 5.2 and 5.3 of the Privacy Policy.
6.2.3. undertake precautions to protect the User’s personal data privacy according to the procedure used for such information protection in the course of business.
6.2.4. carry out blocking of personal data of the relevant User from the appeal or enquiry date of the User or his/her legal representative or the body empowered to protect the rights of personal data subjects for the period of inspection in case of detection of inadequate personal data or illegal actions.

7.1 Information of ProfPerevod Website is protected by copyright law. ProfPerevod provides the Website Users the right to use the published materials in any personal or noncommercial purposes. Apart from the specified cases, redistribution (copying) of any website’s information is impossible without direct written consent of ProfPerevod.

8.1 Information published at ProfPerevod website cannot be viewed as a provision of intellectual property license rights belonging to ProfPerevod or third parties.

9.1. The Website Administration failing to fulfil its obligations shall be liable for losses of the User incurred as a result of illegal usage of personal data in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation except for the cases stipulated in cl. 5.2, 5.3 and 7.2 of this Privacy Policy.
9.2. In the event of loss or disclosure of the confidential information the Website Administration shall not be liable if this confidential information:
9.2.1. became available before it has been lost or disclosured.
9.2.2. was received from the third party before the Website Administration has received it.
9.2.3. was disclosed upon the User’s consent.

10.1. Before action demand concerning disputes arising from relation between the Website User and the Website Administration it is obligatory to file a claim (a written proposal of voluntary dispute settlement).
10.2. The claimee notifies the claimer in writing of the results of the assessment of a claim during thirty (30) calendar days.
10.3. In case of failure to achieve the consent, a dispute shall be submitted for the consideration of a judicial body where the Website Administration is located in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
10.4. This Privacy Policy and relations between the User and the Website Administration are subject to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11.1. The Website Administration has the right to amend this Privacy Policy without the User’s consent.
11.2. The new revision of the Privacy Policy shall come into force in the moment of the publication thereof, unless otherwise provided for in the new revision of the Privacy Policy.
11.3. All the proposals and questions regarding this Policy shall be addressed at:
11.4. The applicable revision of the Privacy Policy is always available at:

Updated on April 24, 2017