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Welcome to ProfPerevod website!

It is a well-known fact that the Soviet translation school had deep and solid traditions, and produced high-class specialists.

Graduates from translation faculties traditionally occupied outstanding positions in major international organizations and leading enterprises of various economy sectors.

Much has changed in the translation industry over the past few decades: Technologies and processes, customer service and long-term priorities. New fields of knowledge and growth areas are emerging, progress and development are well on the way.

But there are things that never change: The highest quality standards and promptness of linguistic services provision.

Make translations great again! that is our motto.

ProfPerevod keeps pace with the times, we make a point of new technologies in the translation industry, at the same time putting emphasis on exceptional customer service, which is a cornerstone of our business reputation.

We invite you to partnership and cooperation. See for yourself what our Words are worth!

Director General

Alexander Minustin

Company in Figures

More than 20 years of work in the field of translation, information and consulting services
More than 450 000 successfully fulfilled orders
Over 4 200 000 pages of total written translations
Over 175 000 hours of consecutive and simultaneous interpretation
Over 10 000 pages per month — our normal output at average workload
More than 500 regular corporate clients served on a contractual basis

ProfPerevod Translation Company is one of the leading operators at the Russian translation services market. The company was established on September 11, 2000. According to the rating agencies our company is one of the most popular and dynamically developing translation companies at the Russian market.

ProfPerevod Translation Company offers translation of:

  • highly specialized technical texts: operation manuals, process descriptions, requirements specifications, feasibility studies and reports
  • scientific articles and papers, research and experiment materials
  • financial, accounting and contractual documentation
  • works of literature, social and political essays, poetry
  • site materials, newslines, web archives
  • software content


Subsidiary Office «Polezhaevskaya»
82 Khoroshevskoye Shosse, build. 7, Moscow, 123007, Russia
Subsidiary Office «Mosfilmovskaya»
35 Mosfilmovskaya street , building 2, office 105, Moscow, 119330, Russia

Our customers